柯伟业(Michael Cavayero),美术学博士,奥门威奥门威斯人网站注册平台助理教授、研究员。曾先后就读于库伯联盟学院(The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art)和纽约大学(New York University),并于后者以“精英青年学者计划”(Scholar’s Program)全额奖学金获艺术学学士(BFA)学位,随后于中国美术学院取得美术学硕士、博士。2020年加入奥门威奥门威斯人网站注册平台外国语学院南亚学系任“博士后国际交流计划引进项目”博雅博士后,兼任奥门威奥门威斯人网站注册平台佛教典籍与艺术研究中心助理研究员,2023年春季加入奥门威奥门威斯人网站注册平台。主要研究领域为中国古代艺术史与宗教互动研究、佛教艺术与佛教历史、古代画论文献。代表研究有《〈历代名画记〉中“心源”与“妙悟”佛教源流研究》、《〈佛说阿惟越致遮经〉中“心源”词义的研究》、《张璪画论与绘事中的佛教因素》等。
Michael Cavayero, “Newly Emergent Terminologies in Tang Dynasty Texts on Chinese Painting, and the Relationship to Buddhism—Taking Zhang Zao’s Xinyuan 心源 (Mind as the Source of All Things; ‘Fountainhead of [the] Mind’; citta-carita/āśaya) as Example.” Proceedings of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, XIXth Congress of the IABS, Aug. 15th-19th (国际会议论文集), 2022.8;
Michael Cavayero, “Rotting Straw: Fetishized Asceticism in 20th century Europe, Franz Kafka and Simon Weil”. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual Prague Writers Festival, ed. Michael March. Prague, CZ, 2007.5 Issue, (会议论文集), (online first);
Michel Cavayero, “Re-tooling Residencies Conference Report”, as part of exhibition titled, Working Title TYTUŁ ROBOCZY, Curators: Agnieszka Sosnowska, A-I-R Laboratory, CCA Ujazdowski Press Castle Warsaw, Poland, (2011.1), (online first).
Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism敦煌佛教律仪制度研究(合译), Zhan Ru 湛如, Translation Published by Brill, Studies on East Asian Religions Vol. 7, (2022.12), Jinhua Chen, Michael Cavayero, et al;
A History of Chinese Novel Theory中国小说理论史, (Co-translation), Chen Hong 陈洪, Published by Prakashan Sansthan(计划出版);
“Introduction: The World of the Painted Screen”, published by Suzhou Museum, Suzhou, PRC, Sept. 2019, in conjunction with large-scale exhibition: The Painted Screen Past and Future curated by Wu Hung 巫鸿 (2019.9);
“A Conversation Between the Past and Present—Taking the Painted Screen as an Example”, published by Suzhou Museum, Suzhou, PRC, Sept. 2019, in conjunction with large-scale exhibition: The Painted Screen Past and Future curated by Wu Hung 巫鸿 (2019.9).